Great news - this program has been renewed for 2023!
Check Out SC is a partnership between the SC State Library and SC Parks, Recreation and Tourism (SCPRT). The purpose of this project is to encourage patrons to take advantage of public spaces, specifically state parks, and reap the benefits of spending more time outdoors. Each public library has the opportunity to acquire at least one backpack with a variety of materials, including a Statewide Park Passport provided by SCPRT that allow patrons free day-entry into state parks. Larger counties may have up to 30 backpacks for patrons to check out. Questions regarding cataloging and processing procedures are below.
Q: How long is the circulation period for the backpacks/passes?
A: We recommend 7 days, but encourage you to determine what’s best for your library
Q: Can we, or do we have to, allow holds on the backpacks?
A: Your library can decide whether or not to allow holds
Q: Can we charge an overdue fine if a backpack isn’t returned on time? If so, how much?
A: Yes, your library may charge overdue fines per your library’s policy
Q: May we charge our patrons for replacement costs of lost or damaged items?
A: Yes, if you intend to replace them. It’s also possible that the SCSL may have some replacement items. You may refer to your local policy
Q: May our library add a barcode and/or our library name, logo, and/or address to the backpack?
A: Yes, this is recommended. The materials are part of your permanent collection and we encourage you to process them for tracking however best works for you locally.
Q: Is a cataloging record available?
A: The OCLC record is 1141870296. Non-SCLENDS libraries may make whatever local changes once the record is in their system. For questions, please contact Jennifer Jean at
Q: May our library add additional materials to the backpack?
A: Yes. You’ll just need to adjust the MARC cataloging record accordingly and track those items as part of the check in/out process.
Q: What if an item in the backpack—or the entire backpack—gets damaged or lost?
A: Please contact Jennifer Jean at in the event the park pass is lost. Your library may be responsible for replacing additional lost items (though the paper-based items are supplied free of charge while supplies last)