The SCLENDS Cataloging Resource LibGuide is an up-to-date list of freely available cataloging resources. The resources are a quick reference for common questions related to using Evergreen, RDA, and MARC records.
Please note that many of these resources have been updated since we last distributed printed materials. Use the most current information available to you. The sources in this guide are reliable, and catalogers are welcome to submit further resources.
​SCLENDS is a consortium of South Carolina libraries. SCLENDS cardholders are able to use a single catalog to access over 2.75 million items from our 20 member library systems. A shared courier service allows items to move from library to library, at no cost to the user. Our shared open source ILS, Evergreen, is web-based and highly scalable..
We are proud that South Carolina can be a leader in this trend of allocating resources more intelligently and using communal resources to grow our tools. This allows individual libraries to focus on providing services to our local communities.
We welcome inquires from library systems that would like to learn more about how to join SCLENDS.
Formal SCLENDS cataloging policy is a work in progress. Refer to the SCLENDS Cataloging Policy that was approved August 24th, 2011, for basic information. Be aware that some of the information in that policy is dated. To that end, please use the informational resources and documents found on this LibGuide to supplement the existing cataloging policy.
Meg Stroup
South Carolina State Library, SCLENDS Cataloging Coordinator
1500 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29205
(803) 737-7736 |
Innovation | Collaboration | Participation | Preservation