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Book Donations
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Institutional Libraries: Book Donations
Library Services to the Incarcerated, Detained, and Justice-Involved
Book Donations
Interest Groups
Organizations Who Donate Library Books to Prisons
Art Resources Transfer - Distribution to Underserved Communities Library Program (D.U.C.)
Distributes books on contemporary art and culture to public schools, libraries, prisons, and alternative education centers nationwide, free of charge. Also provides Reading Resources with online teaching guides.
Books Inside
Collects, processes, and hand picks titles for used book distribution to prison libraries around the country.
Books Through Bars
Sends reading material to prisoners and by encourages creative dialogue about the criminal justice system.
LGBT Books to Prisoners
Sends books to incarcerated LGBTQ-identified people across the United States.
Prison Book Program
Mails free books across the country and maintains the excellent National Prisoner Resource List available on their website.
Women's Prison Book Project
Provides women and transgender persons in prison with free reading materials.
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