Credit: A View of Charles Town the Capital of South Carolina in North America, from 'Scenographia Americana', engraved by Pierre Charles Canot (1710-77) published 1758-60 (engraving), Mellish, Thomas (c.1748-82) (after) / Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Collection, USA / The Bridgeman Art Library
From Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century
Bird's Eye View of Charleston. Charleston was considered the cultural center of South Carolina and its largest city. Engraving from The Progress of the Republic by R. S. Fisher, 1856. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS
From Bridgeman Images: Peter Newark American Pictures
Credit: Title-page of 'A new description of that fertile and pleasant province of Carolina', printed in London by John Archdale, late Governor of Carolina, 1707 (newsprint), English School, (18th century) / Private Collection / Peter Newark Pictures / The Bridgeman Art Library