What We Collect through READsquared
Information included in the reports from READsquared will include:
READsquared will create and send a report for each county. It is important for you to keep up with your data entry and ensure all data is entered by August 31. The best practice is to make sure data is entered throughout the summer. If you feel you need any additional training on using READsquared, please contact Leigh Ramey, Youth Services Consultant.
Of the data above, your participants will need to be required to provide the following during registration:
A survey will be sent via surveymonkey, and is available on the right side of this LibGuide. The survey will be due September 6th, 2019. Information requested will include:
Name of System
Dates of Program
What was the total circulation of materials from June 1-August 31?
Total Budget with donations listed separately
Number of programs, by age group
Program attendance, by age group
How you used your grant monies
These short surveys are designed to collect information about community participants' views your summer programs. They are provided by the Public Library Association's Project Outcome. If you are registered already with Project Outcome, you can create a link for your patrons to complete this survey electronically. If not, please print them and hand them out during a Summer Reading event - a storytime, a performance, the choice is yours. If you received a Summer Reading Resource Grant, please give the surveys at that grant-funded event.