Publications will be judged on a point basis according to the following criteria:
1. Extent of lasting reference and informational value.
2. Extent to which the publication appeals to a broad audience and is written in a lucid style.
3. Extent to which the publication helps to enhance quality of life or provides information that assists in making informed decisions.
4. Extent to which the publication contributes to an understanding of government processes, provides significant government information, or reflects the mission the agency.
5. Extent to which the publication displays an innovative presentation or a creative approach. Consideration is given to features such as typography, design, quality of illustrations, use of maps, graphs, color, ease of use, and the extent to which the publication is generally pleasant to look through.
6. Extent to which the title reflects actual contents and achieves its purpose by doing what it says it will do.
Please follow these guidelines when submitting your nomination:
The publication was produced by the State, a state agency or department, state-supported college or university, or by a firm which produced the publication under contract with or supervision of a state agency.
The publication was produced within the calendar year for which nominations are being accepted. However, a publication produced in a previous calendar year, but not received by the State Library until the current year may also be submitted for nomination.
The publication, in either physical or electronic format, has been provided to the SC State Library for addition to the SC State Documents Depository.
Please note, submissions may also be sent to our state publications email address:
The Notable State Documents Awards Program began in 1991 to recognize exemplary state publications. In honor of Freedom of Information Day, awards are presented each March in a ceremony at the State Library. The awards recognize notable state agency publications that were released in the previous calendar year. State agency publications received by the State Library qualify to be nominated. Nominations may be submitted by depository librarians, State Library staff, or state agency employees. Agency websites and apps also qualify as nominees.
All nominations are reviewed by librarians at the State Library, and approximately 25 documents are selected as final candidates. Librarians familiar with depository collections and/or state agency representatives are invited to serve as judges. Our judges review the candidates and select the final winners on the basis of criteria such as the document's appeal to a large audience, or its ability to provide significant information to the public.
The archive for previous winners is available in our digital State Documents Depository.
The winners of the 2024 Notable State Documents Awards will be recognized at our annual Notable State Documents Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Registration is now open, and all are encouraged to attend.
Enter your nominations for the 2025 Notable State Documents Awards or click on the Award Logo on the left. Nominations for publications produced during 2025 will be accepted through December 31, 2025.
Monographs (physical or born digital)
The Skull Creek Chronicles: Stepping into the Past at Green's Shell Enclosure Heritage Preserve is a story map funded and produced by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources’ Heritage Trust Program in partnership with Linville Historical Consulting. It tells the prehistory and history of this rich historic site through a timeline of images, maps, and a vivid historical narrative and archaeological discovery. Situated along the shore of Skull Creek on Hilton Head Island, Green’s Shell Enclosure Heritage Preserve encompasses three acres and is one of the smallest of the 80 Heritage Preserves the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources manages. Nevertheless, this remarkable cultural site represents the fascinating and diverse layers of South Carolina’s past.
South Carolina is rich in the variety and abundance of its coastal resources. Healthy and protected coastal ecosystems provide opportunities for recreation, support commercial and recreational fisheries, and bolster domestic and international tourism. The goal of the South Carolina Coastal Program is to achieve balance between the appropriate use, development and conservation of coastal resources in the best interest of all residents. This South Carolina Coastal Atlas ArcGIS StoryMap, created by the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services (SCDES), allows viewers to explore the history, tools and initiatives of the agency's Bureau of Coastal Management. Through remarkable video and photography, the StoryMap shares the program's history and visualizes South Carolina Coastal Zone and Critical Area boundaries, such as the coastal waters, tidelands, beaches, and beach/dunes systems that comprise the South Carolina coast. The StoryMap also highlights services, products and tools provided by the program, including databases and maps for public beach access, beach erosion monitoring, beach renourishment, beachfront jurisdictional lines and coastal hazard vulnerability.
*Note: These publications must be downloaded to open. Click on the PDF file to download and view.